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Echo Suite Saga Book 1

Trapped on a dying world, a courier determined to deliver a secret package teams up with a team of bounty hunters chasing a high-dollar quarry before the world collapses into a black hole. The bounty hunters, led by Romani Doddridge, hold their own secrets; however, it is the courier's secret that could hold the key to saving the world.

Released on Nov. 7, 2018

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Echo Suite Saga Book 2

A quartet of bounty hunters, lead by Romani Doddridge, crash land on Fairchance - a world Romani had been avoiding for much of her life. The group finds the seat of power in turmoil and war on the horizon. With an all-powerful celestial creature also looming,  Romani knows what must be done. But doing so will unravel the mysteries of the star cluster.

Released on Oct. 2, 2019

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